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Les Services Agrométéorologiques pour les producteurs ruraux pour le développement et la durabilité de l’agriculture au Sénégal, Mauritanie, Mali, Burkina Faso et Niger

L’agriculture sahélienne depuis son origine est confrontée à la variabilité climatique qui a caractérisé son développement au cours des millénaires et a conduit les agriculteurs à adopter des stratégies fonctionnelles pour minimiser les risques. Dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, l’agrométéorologie s’est développée comme une science appliquée pour soutenir l’agriculture, réduire les risques climatiques […]

Slapis Sahel

SLAPIS SAHELProject Système Locale d’Alerte Précoce pour les Inondations au Sahel Slapis Sahel A Training and Research for Development Project The increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme hydro-meteorological events has prompted Sahelian governments to request support from the international community in implementing early warning systems to help vulnerable riverine communities manage the risk […]

Hydrological Web Services for Operational Flood Risk Monitoring and Forecasting at Local Scale in Niger

Emerging hydrological services provide stakeholders and political authorities with useful and reliable information to support the decision-making process and develop flood risk management strategies. Most of these services adopt the paradigm of open data and standard web services, paving the way to increase distributed hydrometeorological services’ interoperability. Moreover, sharing of data, models, information, and the […]

Climate services for drought and fire danger estimation on various time scales

Wildfires are critical natural hazards, both in the Mediterranean and boreal regions of Europe, causing significant environmental and economic damages and losses. Operational drought and fire risk forecast services on sub-seasonal, seasonal and climatic scale allow fire protection authorities to increase preparedness and response in drought and fire related emergencies and to develop mitigation and […]