A capacity-building training course to transfer the know-how on agrometeorological analysis.
Who is it for?
The 12 weeks training took place in Italy at CNR-IBE in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) and coordinated by Dr Maurizio Bacci. The goal was to improve the technical capacity of Angola and Mozambique to provide agro-climatic information and services for rainfed agriculture. The project, financed by FAO, was organized by the World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Center in Italy, operated by the Institute for the BioEconomy (former Institute of Biometeorology) of the National Research Council.

The Participants
The participants of the training course come from Angola and Mozambique and work at the national level in the field of meteorology, agro-meteorology, climate, and agricultural engineering.
Boost Cooperation
The training programe aims at boost cooperation at the national and regional level in sensitive areas, and promote exchanges and collaboration. The strengthening of a network of technical institutions could encourage to share methodologies and harmonize information bases.