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Système Locale d’Alerte Précoce pour les Inondations au Sahel

Slapis Sahel

A Training and Research for Development Project

The increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme hydro-meteorological events has prompted Sahelian governments to request support from the international community in implementing early warning systems to help vulnerable riverine communities manage the risk of flooding. In the framework of the ANADIA2 project, a Flood Early Warning System (SLAPIS) has been developed, tested and implemented on the Niger section of the Sirba River, the main tributary of the Niger in its middle basin. Given the interest of the Governments of Niger and Burkina Faso in extending such a successful system, the SLAPIS Sahel project was formulated jointly by stakeholders from both countries with the support of the Italian partners of ANADIA2.

The broad objective of SLAPIS Sahel is “Reducing hydro-meteorological risk and supporting adaptation to climate change for sustainable development”.
The specific objective of the project Slapis Sahel is to “Strengthen the skills and capacities of the National Hydrometeorological Services of Burkina Faso and Niger by consolidating cross-border cooperation and reinforcing collaboration between the different administrative levels in each country to increase resilience towards floods and other extreme hydrometeorological phenomena”.
The relevance of this choice derives from the fact that since the 2000s, Niger and Burkina have been increasingly affected by floods, with a peak in 2020 that affected more than one hundred thousand people in Burkina Faso and more than six hundred thousand in Niger.

Expected Results

Strengthen the national institutions of Niger and Burkina Faso in charge of hydro-meteorological monitoring in terms of competencies and tools for monitoring, forecasting and analysis. Reinforce transboundary cooperation.
The put in place of a Transboundary Early Warning System for floods.
Strengthen understanding of flood phenomena and how to cope with them at all levels.


Vulnerable Population

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Actions to reduce the risk of flooding and adapt to climate change for the most vulnerable populations living along the Sirba and the other tributaries in Niger (225,152 inhabitants in 2012) and Burkina Faso (195,312 inhabitants in 2006).
The populations of the cities located along the Middle Niger and Niamey (1,565,056 inhabitants estimated in 2018).
Local administrations will benefit from operational tools for flood risk governance and local planning for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. National technical services in Niger and Burkina Faso will benefit from training, technical assistance, equipment, and innovative methodologies for flood risk assessment and monitoring.


The initiative is in line with: the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy Niger 2035, the 3N Initiative, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change, the National Framework for Climate Services and the National Warning Code of Niger.
In Burkina Faso, the initiative is consistent with the country’s sectoral strategies, in particular, the National Framework for Climate Services, the National Food Security and Nutritional Policy, the National Civil Protection Policy and the National Strategy for the Prevention and Management of Disasters and Humanitarian Crises in Burkina Faso.
SLAPIS Sahel contributes to the expectation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 13 – Take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts and, in particular, 13.3 – Improve training, awareness and institutional capacity for climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.
SLAPIS Sahel contributes to the expectation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 13 – Take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts and, in particular, 13.3 – Improve training, awareness and institutional capacity for climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

Implementing Actors

The project will be carried out by the Interuniversity Department of Science, Planning and Territorial Policies (DIST) of the Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with the Istituto per la Bioeconomia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IBE-CNR), the Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (DMN) and the Direction de l’Hydrologie (DH) of Niger, the Agence Nationale de la Météorologie (ANAM) and the Direction des Etudes et de l’Information sur l’Eau (DEIE) of Burkina Faso.

The project is co-financed by the AICS (70%) and the partners (30%) in accordance with art. 18 of the regulation (DPR 177/88) of law 49/87.