Assistance Agrométéo Kieche
Assistance Agrométéo Tessa
Assistance Agrométéo Guecheme
Downscaling Regional Hydrological Forecast for Operational Use in Local Early Warning: HYPE Models in the Sirba River
In the last decades since the dramatic increase in flood frequency and magnitude, floods have become a crucial problem in West Africa. National and international authorities concentrate efforts on developing early warning systems (EWS) to deliver flood alerts and prevent loss of lives and damages. Usually, regional EWS is based on hydrological modeling, while local […]
Raspberry PI3 Multispectral Low Cost Sensor for UAV based remote sensing case study in south West Niger
The technology of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) is rapidly improving and UAV-integrated sensors have kept up with it, providing more efficient and effective solutions. One of the most sought-after characteristics of on-board sensors is the low costing associated to good quality of the collected data. This paper proposes a very low-cost multiband sensor developed on […]
Community and Impact Based Early Warning System for Flood Risk Preparedness: The Experience of the Sirba River in Niger
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning Systems (EWS) for floods that properly address all four EWS components, while also being community and impact‐based, do not yet exist […]
Anadia 2.0 Assistance Agrométéo
Assistance agrométéorologique pour les producteurs ruraux: Services Météorologiques et Climatiques pour réduire la vulnerabilité.
Slapis Early Warning System
Attitude proactive pour s’adapter aux changements climatiques et réduire le risque hydrologique dans les Communes de la Sirba.
Agrometeorological Forecast for Smallholder Farmers: A Powerful Tool for Weather-Informed Crops Management in the Sahel.
Agriculture production in Nigerien rural areas mainly depends on weather variability. Weather forecasts produced by national or international bodies have very limited dissemination in rural areas and even if broadcast by local radio, they remain generic and limited to short-term information. According to several experiences in West Africa, weather and climate services (WCSs) have great […]
Anadia 2.0
Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Prevention and Agricultural Development for Food Security. A training and research project contributing to the development of sustainable agriculture, through the adaptation of production systems to climate change.