Compound-event analysis in non-stationary hydrological hazards: a case study of the Niger River in Niamey
This study examines compound hydrological hazards in a non-stationary context, specifically focusing on the Niger River in Niamey. The hazard results from the confluence of local Sahelian and more remote Guinean tributaries, displaying seasonal floods. The study first investigates whether Niamey’s annual flood hazard is a compound result of Sahelian and Guinean flows, and then […]
Geospatial Capacity Building for Flood Resilience in the Sahel: the SLAPIS project case study
This study focuses on the development of a people-centred early warning system (EWS) against floods in the Sirba River basin between Niger and Burkina Faso. This densely populated area has witnessed an increase in extreme flooding events in recent years. Several flood forecasting systems in the Sahel exist, although there is no EWS that integrates […]
Comparative Trend Analysis of Precipitation Indices in Several Towns of the Sirba River Catchment (Burkina Faso) from CHIRPS and TAMSAT Rainfall Estimates
The increasingly frequent pluvial flood of West African urban settlements indicates the need to investigate the drivers of local rainfall changes. However, meteorological stations are few, unevenly distributed, and work irregularly. Daily satellite rainfall datasets can be used. Nevertheless, these products often need to be more accurate due to sensor errors and limitations in retrieval […]
The added value of the process in climate services co-production: Lessons from Niger
Climate services are recognized as an essential tool for sustainable development in strategic and climate-sensitive sectors. In developing countries, particularly in Africa, the literature offers successful examples of application, especially in the agricultural sector, which is dramatically sensitive to climate variability and change. While, initially, particular emphasis was placed on the outcomes of these services […]
Slapis Sahel

SLAPIS SAHELProject Système Locale d’Alerte Précoce pour les Inondations au Sahel Slapis Sahel A Training and Research for Development Project The increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme hydro-meteorological events has prompted Sahelian governments to request support from the international community in implementing early warning systems to help vulnerable riverine communities manage the risk […]