Open Data
IBE Climate Services provides full, open and free-of-charge access to data and information, consistent with the international data sharing principles.
The aim is to provide opportunities for the research and the stakeholder community and to create a shared sustainable growth to cope with global challenges.
IBE is committed to foster compliance with OGC data standards and web services, to improve access to data in long-term data stewardship perspective.
Open Access
Open datasets are published under Creative Commons (CC) licences and are available for reuse with reference to the original dataset.

Users can access directly to products through on-line map viewer of each operational IBE Platform.
Developers can access all data published on the applications’ portals through the REST APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The information retrieved can then be used by an external procedures to transform, update or reference and provide new input for further calls to the APIs.
Data Services
Data set
CSs products are stored in the metadata catalogue of CNR-IBE.
This catalogue is a discovery services compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Catalogue Service Web (CSW) 2.0.2 and its facilities are provided through CKAN, an open source metadata catalogue service.
Open datasets are published under Creative Commons (CC) licences and are available for reuse with reference to the original dataset.
Note: actually IBE Catalogue is under construction and data may be not up to date then IBE Operational Platforms.
OGC web services
SDI Insfrastructure
Get In Touch
For any question or information on APIs, please get in touch!