Second Edition 2022

International School of Agrometeorology

Agricultural Meteorology for Sustainable Water Management in Agroecosystems

Bologna, Italy 5-9 September 2022

Who is it for?

The 1-week face-to-face course “Agriculture meteorology for sustainable water management in agroecosystems” was designed with the aim to facilitate participants to increase their knowledge of novel scientific results, and advanced technologies for the agrometeorological analysis and monitoring applied to agricultural water management under present and future climates. The school was co-organized by the World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Center in Italy, operated by the Institute of BioEconomy of the National Research Council and the Italian Association of Agrometeorology, AIAM, and the technical support of FAO.


The 28 participants from 14 Countries were selected among more than 110 applicants, and most of them work in the field of meteorology, agro-meteorology, hydrology, climate, and agricultural engineering, while some were PhD students.


Organizers and Trainers

Twenty high level experts were involved as trainers for the school, all world-class experts from University of Florence (DAGRI), University of Milan, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), Sicily Region, National Research Council of Italy, and International Agencies: Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations – FAO, CGIAR / Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR/IWMI.


  • Relations between hydrological cycle, agriculture, and climate change
  • Water harvesting, research, and implementation
  • Modelling of crop yield response to water under conditions in which water is a key limiting factor in crop production – the AquaCrop system Satellite products and tools for sustainable water management

Field Visit

In addition, the school included a field visit to Acqua Campus (CER) under the guidance of experts in decision support systems, flux measurements eddy covariance, and satellite and sensors use for in-farm irrigation.