An Open Source Platform


AgroSat combines digital technologies (IoT and Big Data) and scientific research products to create a direct connection between research, companies and farmer entrepreneurs.
New technologies are changing the way we take care of agriculture, but costs, lack of training and standard protocols are an obstacle especially for small farms. We believe that an open and free platform for quick and precise access to data and information may help farmer transform them, with their experience, into knowledge.
//Category / Agrosat, Services

The Context

In Italy, the application of precision farming is very heterogeneous and it covers only 1% of the whole agricultural area. Meanwhile the agricultural system is required to maximise the production when at the same time, with challenging climatic conditions, it needs to maintain high quality of standards and to abide more-strict environmental regulations.

Unlike other European countries, in Italy there is a need to support the agri-food chain users with up-to-date information and research products. 

This is where AgroSat platform comes in, providing satellite data, testing new analysis approaches for multi-source data integration, supporting the participatory approach to agro-environmental monitoring. It is primarily used to monitor field data through Earth Observation satellites, programming distribution of chemicals and knowing the location and cause of crop-stress to optimize quantities applied. It is a great platform that saves farmers both time and money.

Main Features

Satellite Images from Sentinel-2 ESA*, MODIS – NASA.
Data from CDS Copernicus.
LSA-SAF (EUMETSAT copyright, 2018-2020) - Reference evapotranspiration

Building up Production Units (UP) to display the status of the crop, the potential yield and the fertilization maps.

Download editable, exportable fertilization maps for GIS environments or systems with variable rate technology (VRT).

Access to dedicated weather forecasts and data from the agro-meteorological station closest to the production unit.

Assessment of the water content of your crop: manage and optimize the use of water based on real needs.

Advanced and integrated analysis tools. Enhance the agri-food chains.

The Application

Interactive Map

Zoom control, Pan, Draw Area, and Cadastre

Login, Signup

Access Dashboard

Overview of the main functionalities

Step 1
Draw an Area
Step 2
Select Date
Crop water stress
Crop Status
Resa Potenziale
Distribution of chemicals
manage your Productive Unit (UP)
manage your Productive Unit (UP)
Studio of the Area
Vegetation Index

Powerful Dashboard

Users can manage multiple farming units, view 5 days weather forecast and local weather observation for their units. They can also report on their agronomic techniques, accessing a block chain geo-traceability service for supply chain. Being updated with new research products, AgroSat is a full free open source platform.