National Initiatives

An Initiative for Meteorological Services professionals

Capacity-building initiatives organized to transfer the know-how on advanced Meteorology, Climatology and Climate change.

The short-term courses intended to provide national professionals with high-level innovative knowledge and skills on the most advanced technologies for meteorology, on the basics of climate dynamics, and on the most recent advances in climate change.
Topics covered include climate change causes, effects, solutions, development of climate services, use of resources available at international Institutions like Copernicus, IRI/LDEO, ESA, Eumetsat, among others.



The courses, in Italian, are organized by the World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Center in Italy, operated by the Institute of BioEconomy of the National Research Council in order to respond to the training needs of the regional meteorological offices operating in Italy at local level. 

Courses' Characteristics

Approach, methodology, duration can vary, depending on the training needs, thematic of the course, and based on workload of the participants, in order to allow participants them not to interrupt their routine work.

The Participants

The participants to the training initiatives are professionals working in the field of meteorology and climatology in the 20 Italian Regions.

The Trainers

High-level experts are involved as trainers, coming from CNR, Universities, National Meteorological Service, and other Regional Meteorological Services.

The Catalogue