a web data infrastructure for scientific research

Sensor Web Hub

A bottom-up collaborative initiative between different IBE-CNR research units that embrace the same approach for sharing and reuse of research data from low-cost sensors.

SensorwebHub [SWH] is an open source platform to facilitate access and sharing of experimental data from meteorological and environmental observation networks. SWH is an infrastructure to support scientific activities at national and international level.

Category: Services
Tags: open data, swh

What is it?

SWH is a bottom-up collaborative initiative to share real time research data and pave the way for an open innovation approach in the scientific research. Web sharing of environmental monitoring data allows timely information to be provided necessary for decision support systems. SWH manages agrometeorological, urban climate, indoor, weather, renewable energy data.


Provide fast data access to agro-meteorological networks used for farmers’ services and for data integration in durum wheat crop modelling research. Manage data from wireless sensors network and low-cost innovative sensors for easy use in precision agriculture research and agricultural sustainability.


Harmonized access and use of heterogeneous data from non–conventional meteorological networks to share knowledge amongst disciplines. Analysis of the accuracy and data quality of each type of low-cost sensor. Platform for school learning on spatially distributed environmental monitoring.

Renewable Energy

Remote supervision and control method of multiple power generation system using renewable energy from solar panels. Micro-meteorological parameters in real time from photovoltaic systems.

Urban Climate

Support a participative sensing approach for urban environmental monitoring. Sharing research data from innovative fixed and mobile sensors and conventional sensors for testing new approaches to multisource data fusion.




The sharing of research data is a new challenge for the scientific community that may benefit from a large amount of information to manage and find solutions to environmental issues and sustainability in both agricultural and urban contexts. Neogeography and the citizen as sensors approach, highlights that new data sources need a new set of tools and practices to collect, validate, categorize, and use/access the “crowdsourced” data, that integrate the datasets produced in the scientific field.
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When the scientific community embraces the dimension of collaboration and sharing, access and re-use, in order to accept the open innovation approach, it should redesign and reshape the data management processes. The challenges of technological and cultural innovation, enabled by web 2.0 technologies, lead to the scenario where the sharing of structured and interoperable data will constitute the essential building block to set up a new paradigm of scientific research.
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SWH infrastructure ensures access, management and preservation of data; it is a technical support for coordinated management of data and encourages reuse and collaboration
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SWH manages both mobile and fixed open source sensor platforms, to integrate the existing monitoring networks. This infrastructure is currently focused on the following sensor data categories: Agrometeo, Meteo, Urban Climate, Renewable Energy, Indoor. Components are organized in typical client-server architecture and interact with the sensing process to the representation of the results to end-users. The Web Application enables the data stored in the GeoDB to be viewed and analyzed.
The interface is designed following Internet browsers specifications: visualization of collected data, tabular, chart and geographic map.
 The services for the dissemination of geo-referenced information adopt the OGC specifications.
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Who is it for?

Sensor Web Hub is an infrastructure for the viewing, management and sharing of data from non-conventional meteorological and environmental networks in real time. It can be used as a support for scientific research, but also as an infrastructure for all types of users who have a need to share monitoring data in restricted or open networks. The flexibility of the platform allows custom-made projects to be created to respond to different user needs, both public and private.


Fixed Sensors
Mobile Sensors
Daily Records


#1 #2 #3
O3 Grape Solar Radiation Wind Speed
NO2 Grape temperature Wind Direction
CH4 Leaf Wetness Rain
H2O Flux Soil Moisture Air Temperature
CO2 Flux Noise Relative Humidity
Solar Radiation CO2 Temperature
Wind Stress CO Humidity


The service is carried out in the framework of the research activities of the Institute of BioEconomy (IBE) – National Research Council (CNR). IBE-CNR is not responsible for any damage deriving from the use of these products. The diffusion and use of the information contained in this site is subjected to the approval of IBE-CNR.

Credits SWH

Project Manager  Email Me WebApp – DataBase – Backend procedures development  Email Me Sensor Development  Email Me  Email Me  Email Me  Email Me Data Analysis  Email Me  Email Me  Email Me  Email Me  Email Me SensorWeb Dissemination  Email Me Web and Graphics Consultant  Email Me


Smart Services Cooperation
Lab, Bologna (Italy)

Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A

Project R.U.M. – Ente Cassa di Firenze

SensorWebBike Application is a collaborative initiative funded under the project 
CNR “SMART CITIES – Energia da Fonti Rinnovabili e ICT per la Sostenibilità Energetica”