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Topacs Training
Operational Package
for Climate Services

A permanent and open elearning Initiative

A joint initiative of World Meteorological Organization and CNR-IBE, with the collaboration of IC-CNR.

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A permanent training Initiative

TOPaCS is the acronym of Training Operational Package for Climate Services, a new distance learning initiative developed by RTC Italy.

A permanent eLearning platform offering training courses on different topics related to Climate and Risk analysis and management.

TOPaCS originated from the recommendation of main stakeholders in West Africa, the Directors of Meteorological Services of 17 CILSS/ECOWAS
Countries at the International Conference on Climate Services for West Africa in Rome, Italy, early 2019.



ToPACS goal is to set up a permanent training tool, open and easily accessible worldwide.
The main goal is to build Knowledge and Skills through customizable learning paths within the Climate Services Competencies framework of WMO ensuring coherence with other WMO education initiatives (Global Campus, other RTCs, etc.).

The methodological approach is based on the competency-based approach to training, where competencies are composed of elements of Knowledge and Skill, according to the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, and each course is related to the WMO Competencies Framework for Climate Services Providers.

eLearning Content

The courses are structured with multimedia lessons, bibliography, case studies and useful insights.

Competency Framework

The Moodle Competency Framework functionality allows to link WMO Competencies to courses.

Open Badges

The Badges earned in TOPaCS courses can be added to Open Badge Backpack in Badgr.








The methodological approach is based on the competency-based approach to training, where competencies are composed of elements of Knowledge and Skill, according to the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, and each course is related to the WMO Competencies Framework for Climate Services Providers.

Knowledge Skills Competencies

Using the Moodle virtual learning environment, the course material has been packaged for self-directed learning, which will greatly expand the reach of the project to more students.
The TOPaCS package allows learners to attain skills related to the WMO competencies for climate services, and receive certification in the form of badges for the training completed. It is an example of a personalized learning environment, allowing users to follow several different learning
paths to access and be certified for training that meets their own needs and interests.

Open Badges

Each course includes a final quiz. Passing the quiz the trainees will obtain the badge for the course, the evidence that the badge owner successfully completed the course and acquired specific knowledge and technical skills.

The badges gained in TOPaCs courses can be issued as Open Badge Backpack in Badgr.

In this way the progress in training activities can be demonstrated through Digital Badges and Micro-Credential.

Check out the courses

Take a peek Inside TOPaCS

Climate Data Analysis Software and Tools

Click to watch the video introduction

of Agrometeorology

Click to watch the video introduction

Climate Risk Reduction Essentials

Click to watch the video introduction

Climate Modeling

Click to watch the video introduction

Introduction to Climate Variability

Click to watch the video introduction

Seasonal Forecast

Click to watch the video introduction

Extreme Events

Click to watch the video introduction

Drought Management and Forecasting Basics

Click to watch the video introduction

The Impacts of Climate Change

Click to watch the video introduction

Monitoring Soil

Click to watch the video introduction

Introduction to Climate and Risk Communication

Click to watch the video introduction

Try the TOPaCs Courses

Meet the Team

Marina Baldi

Researcher at CNR-IBE and Director of the WMO Regional Training Centre in Italy for the European region and for North Africa.

Patrick Parrish

Chief, Training Activities Division within the Education and Training Office of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization)

Vieri Tarchiani

Permanent Researcher at the Institute of Bioeconomy of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IBE). TOPaCs Project Leader.

Elena Rapisardi

Digital Content Designer and Producer. Natural Hazards Web Communication Expert, Content Producer and designer at CNR-IBE.

Massimiliano Pasqui

Physicist, permanent researcher at CNR-IBE. Climate change modeling, seasonal forecasts, climate services for water management.

Edmondo di Giuseppe

Climate Data Analyst at CNR-IBE. Climatological Statistics: extreme events, climate zone, spatio-temporal models and Bayesian inference.

Maurizio Bacci

Agrometeorologyst at CNR-IBE. Expert in climate change impact assessment, GIS and Remote sensing and information management expert, and trainer.

Guido Righini

e-Learning and Dissemination Manager at CNR, Institute of Crystallography. Editor of "Smart eLab". Expertise: Linux, Moodle, ePublishing, Academic Collaborative Writing.

Marco Simonetti

CNR – Institute of Crystallography. Research Support, Development and integration of Business Information Systems, Web Oriented Services, and Open Source systems.

Thanks to our
Lecturers and Experts

alphabetical order

Maurizio Bacci, CNR-IBE – Marina Baldi, CNR-IBE – Christian Baron, CIRAD – Michela Biasutti, Columbia University – Luca Brocca, CNR-IRPI – Marta Bruno Soares, University of Leeds – Carlo Buontempo, ECMWF – Claudio Cassardo, University of Torino Dept. of Physics – Giorgia Ceccarelli, OXFAM – Tanja Cegnar, Slovenian Environment Agengy – Ylenia Curci , University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard – Luc Descroix , IRD – Sabina Di Franco, CNR – ISP, Edmondo Di Giuseppe, CNR-IBE – Roberto Ferrise, University of Florence – Federico Fierli, CNR-ISAC – Edoardo Fiorillo, CNR-IRPI, CNR-IBE – Marco Gaetani, LATMOS-IPSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Universités – Alessandra Giannini, Columbia University – Manuela Grippa, Géosciences Environnement Toulouse – Ramona Magno, CNR-IBE –  Piero Malguzzi, CNR-ISAC – Giovanni Massazza, Politecnico di Torino – Daniele Mastrangelo, CNR-ISAC – Stefano Materia, CMCC – Chiara Mauri, BB&C Group – Samantha Melani, CNR-IBE – Tommaso Moramarco, CNR-IRPI – Emmanuel Oladipo, Department of Geography University of Lagos, Nigeria – Patrick Parrish, WMO – Massimiliano Pasqui, CNR-IBE – Valentina Pavan, ARPAE-SIMC – Alessandro Pezzoli, DIST – Christel Prudhomme, ECMWF – Elena Rapisardi, CNR-IBE – Lauro Rossi, CIMA RESEARCH FOUNDATION – Enrico Scoccimarro, CMCC – Moritz Stefaner, Truth and Beauty – Benjamin Sultan , IRD – Vieri Tarchiani, CNR-IBE – Maurizio Tiepolo, DIST – Jost Von Hardenberg, CNR-ISAC – Sabina Di Franco, CNR – ISP – Moritz Stefaner, Truth and Beauty