Over the past 50 years, climate change has transformed from a little-known concept to one of the most pressing challenges of our time. In the 1970s, only a handful of scientists were discussing its implications. Today, the impact of climate change is visible across all latitudes, affecting ecosystems, economies, and daily life. Agriculture, one of the most climate-sensitive sectors, has faced significant transformations, necessitating innovative approaches and scientific advancements to mitigate risks and adapt to new environmental conditions.
These are the key topics that will be discussed during a meeting at the Accademia dei Georgofili in Florence on March 11. Experts from leading institutions will explore climate change adaptation strategies, biodiversity’s role in agricultural resilience, precision farming, meteorological services for risk reduction, and technological innovations for climate monitoring.
Program Highlights
9:30 AM – Welcome and Opening Remarks
10:00 AM – Key Presentations:
– Climate Change and Agriculture – Marco Bindi, Accademia dei Georgofili, University of Florence
– Agricultural Biodiversity as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change – Chiara Piccini, CNR-IBE
– Agrometeorology and Environmental Sustainability – Simone Orlandini, Accademia dei Georgofili, University of Florence, Fondazione Clima e Sostenibilità
– Agrometeorological Services in West Africa: From Early Warning for Food Security to Supporting Smallholder Farmers – Vieri Tarchiani, CNR-IBE
– Precision Agriculture for Climate Change Adaptation – Alessandro Matese, CNR-IBE
– Operational Meteorology for Agroclimatic Risk Mitigation – Bernardo Gozzini, Accademia dei Georgofili, CNR-IBE, LaMMA
– New Technologies for Climate and Water Stress Monitoring – Ramona Magno, CNR-IBE
12:30 PM – Discussion and Closing Remarks
This event provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the progress of agrometeorological research and its role in ensuring the resilience and sustainability of agricultural systems in the face of climate change. Join us for insightful discussions and expert perspectives on the future of climate-smart agriculture.
Please Note that participation is subject to prior registration by filling out the following form by 2:00 PM on Monday, March 10, 2025: https://forms.gle/CQaTtkTwy2yLdWLy8.