#COP29 Baku: Italian Excellence in Meteorological and Climate Training and Education

At #COP29 in Baku, the Italian Air Force Meteorological Service hosted a dynamic panel on “Education, Specialization & Training,” showcasing approaches to building skills and knowledge in meteorology and climatology.

The session highlighted contributions from leading Italian institutions, including the University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, the CIRA – Italian Aerospace Research Centre, and the HSAF consortium (Hydrology Satellite Application Facility), coordinated by the Air Force.

The event also highlighted the activities of the Italian Regional Training Centre (RTC-Italy), certified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and managed by CNR-IBE. The RTC Italy delivers world-class training to meet the evolving demands of the meteorological and climate sciences knowledge. It is an integral part of the Global Network of RTCs, established in 1958, which forms the foundation of the WMO Education and Training Programme.
RTC Italy presented insights from its 36 years of experience as a specialised training hub, highlighting its expertise in areas such as:
– Agrometeorology and innovative solutions for climate services in agriculture, water, and food security,
– Climate Change and Climate Variability and their impacts on natural resources, water, and agriculture, and
– Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting/predictions as a tool for water and agriculture management.

The event was further enriched by the participation of Prof. Francesco Corvaro, Special Envoy for Climate Change of the Italian Government, who underscored the vital role of education and international collaboration in addressing global climate challenges.

RTC-Italy Slide presentation

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