FAO-IRI Joint Event: Empowering Innovation for Drought and Agriculture

In the face of escalating climate change impacts and the growing consequences of drought, it is imperative to develop adaptive and mitigative measures across all facets of agrifood systems. Research and technological innovation are indispensable tools to avert economic and social crises and foster sustainability. Efforts must be concentrated on comprehensive actions that encompass policy development, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, with particular attention to health, nutrition, gender, and youth empowerment as they relate to drought management and mitigation within agrifood systems.

On June 19, the FAO-IRI (Italian Research Institutes) joint event addressed the pressing need for collaborative actions to address drought and agricultural challenges through participatory and innovative tools, methods, and approaches. The event aimed to explore novel solutions for effective drought management in the agricultural sector.

This event took place within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in June 2015 between FAO and IRI, in conjunction with prominent Italian research institutes such as ENEA, CNR, CREA, and ISPRA. The MoU, which was renewed in 2022, has a core objective of assisting developing countries in strengthening their agricultural sectors through research and innovation. Throughout the joint event, several key aspects were discussed, including: (i) highlighting the significant impacts of drought on agriculture and raising public awareness on this critical issue; and (ii) examining various initiatives focused on technological advancements, institutional reforms, social interventions, and policy adjustments to mitigate the effects of drought on agriculture, thereby fostering the transition towards sustainable agrifood systems.



The Programme

Institutional Welcome
FAO: Vincent Martin/Mr Lifeng Li
ENEA: Roberto Morabito
CNR: Giorgio Mateucci
CREA: Filiberto Altobelli
ISPRA: Piero Genovesi

Introduction to the event
G.P. Cesaretti – Naples University Parthenope, Coordinator of the ASVIS Working Group for Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda

Theme 1: New Solutions for Irrigation to Optimize the Management of water resources
FAO Land and Water

Theme 2: Biotechnologies for the improvement of performance under water stress conditions
Gianfranco Diretto – ENEA

Theme 3: Droughts, water stress and water availability: current situation and what to expect in the future due to climate change and human pressures
Martina Bussettini, Giovanni Braca, Stefano Mariani – ISPRA

Theme 4: Empowering communities with precision agriculture and climate seasonal forecast to address climate change challenges in developed and developing countries
Massimiliano Pasqui, Piero Toscano, Ramona Magno and Vieri Tarchiani – CNR

Theme 5: Food and Consumers Ratio to reduce waste and improve the diet with products with a lower water footprint
Marika Ferrari and Laura Rossi – CREA

Closing Remarks
FAO: Mr Vincent Martin/Mr Lifeng Li IRI:
ENEA: Massimo Iannetta
CREA: Filiberto Altobelli
CNR: Antonello Bonfante
ISPRA: Anna Luise

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