PACC Final Conference

After the four training courses, a networking conference will be organized in Rome, Italy, on the 4th and the 5th of February 2019. The conference will gather those in high-levels of responsibility in the Ministries to which NMHS belong and coordinate with, as well as the Directors of Meteorological Services of the Region. The conference will further promote the strategic collaboration of involved countries with WMO and Italy. The aim of this conference is to enhance technical and scientific cooperation among National Meteorological Services, in the perspective of providing operational climatic services for disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in agriculture and other key sectors.
During the conference, an evaluation of the training program will be conducted. A participatory process to co-design a new capacity building initiative to support the development of Climate Services for West Africa will be carried out with the participation of representatives of the CILSS/ECOWAS countries, of WMO, AICS, AGRHYMET, IBIMET-CNR and international experts.
Working group discussions will be encouraged, and outcomes reported during the plenary session(s), to allow as many participants as possible to share their expertise on critical issues, and on the co-design of a new capacity building initiative.

The new initiative, following the outcomes and recommendations of the SYMET-13 (WMO No.1219, 2018), might foster such cooperation providing a solid foundation for increased sharing of training resources and approaches, offering learning opportunities, a model of development or common accreditation, certification, evaluation and assessment systems. The new initiative will contribute to the operational implementation of the WMO Global Campus, encouraging multilateral collaboration among RTCs and other training institutions and by providing a shared and open platform for sharing training contents, tools and learning technologies that all providers and users could use.

Organizing committee: WMO, IBIMET-CNR, AGRHYMET.

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