Suggested Readings

Category: Impacts of Climate Change

Edited by Vladimír Šucha, Marta Sienkiewicz, JRC

Publisher: European Union, Published by Elsevier Limited.

Edward R. Carr, Rob Goble, Helen M. Rosko, Catherine Vaughan & James Hansen

Publisher: Climate and Development, 12:1, 23-41 (2020)

Vaughan, C.; Dessai, S.

Publisher: Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Clim. Chang. 2014, 5, 587–603

Thomas NOCKE, Till STERZEL, Michael BÖTTINGER and Markus WROBEL

Publisher: Digital earth summit on geoinformatics (2008): 226-232

Aznar-Crespo P, Aledo A, Melgarejo-Moreno J, Vallejos-Romero

Publisher: Sustainability 2021, 13(6), 3410;

Vaughan, C, Hansen, J, Roudier, P, Watkiss, P, Carr, E.

Publisher: WIREs Clim Change. 2019; 10:e586

L’Astorina, A. & Mangia, C. (eds)

Publisher: Collana SCIENZIATI IN AFFANNO? – I, 2022, ideata e diretta da Alba L’Astorina, Cristina Mangia e Alessandra Pugnetti - Cnr Edizioni

Bruce C. Glavovic, Timothy F. Smith & Iain White

Publisher: Climate and Development, Volume 14, 2022 - Issue 9

Silvio Funtowicz, Jerry Ravetz

Publisher: Science for Policy Handbook 2020, Pages 14-18

I. Christel, D. Hemment, D. Bojovic, F. Cucchietti, L. Calvo, M. Stefaner, C. Buontempo

Publisher: Climate Services Volume 9, January 2018, Pages 111-121

Bruna De Marchi

Publisher: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 3: 103-112 (1995)

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