Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Transport Engineering and Vehicle Engineering Department of Transport Technology and Economics, is organizing the 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation in Budapest, Hungary on 4 – 6 September 2017.
The EWGT was founded in July 1991 in Cetraro (Italy) during the 7th Euro Summer Institute on Urban Traffic Management. This name was changed during the EURO Conference in Glasgow in July 1994 to Transportation, in order to extend the topics addressed and to involve more people in participation.
EWGT main targets concern providing a forum to share research information and experience, encouraging joint research and the development of both theoretical methods and applications, and promoting cooperation among the many institutions and organisations which are leaders at the national level in the field of transportation, traffic and logistics.
CNR-IBIMET (now CNR-IBE) contributed with the paper: “An integrated low-cost road traffic and air pollution monitoring platform to assess vehicles’ air quality impact in urban areas”