The 4th edition Agromet School “Agricultural Meteorology for managing the extreme events”

Date: 24-28 June 2024 

Venue: University Campus, Conegliano Veneto (I)

The increasing frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change represents a severe threat to agriculture. The long-lasting socio-economic costs of extreme events pose serious challenges for the farmers and the communities. Agricultural Meteorology, through the development of new information, knowledge, and innovative tools, will play a key role to manage and reduce the negative impacts of extreme events on the agriculture sector.

The school’s objective is to promote the use of innovative tools for risk management within the context of weather extreme events. Additionally, it aims to help participants enhance their understanding of scientific findings and advanced technologies related to agrometeorological analysis and monitoring.

The school, in its complex, will be capable to integrate and complete knowledge and operational application capacity offered from fundamental Academic courses. School is a unique occasion for multiple interactions and exchanges between younger students, bringing enthusiasm and new vision, and specialized teachers, allowing a win-win situation.

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