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A tribute to Prof Lazreg Benaichata

We were so sorry to hear of Lazreg’s death and we want to express our most sincere sympathies to his family.
Lazreg Benaichata, Professor at the University Ibn Khaldoun de Tiaret in Algeria, was in Italy several times and visited our Institute of BioEconomy (ex Institute of Biometeorology) in Rome and Florence. He collaborated with us on scientific projects and served as valued trainer to a couple of courses we organized at the WMO-RTC in Italy. He promoted the Memorandum of Understanding between our Research Institute and the University of Tiaret, that he signed on 21 September 2017 in Florence on behalf of his University Rector, with the purpose to continue scientific collaboration on common research topics.
With a strong background on mathematics and statistics applied to climatology, he was an open mind, keen to learn more on how to evaluate climate impacts on agriculture in African Countries, and always open to share his deep knowledge.
We remember him as a nice, friendly, esteemed man, proud of his family and, as CNR-IBE and WMO-RTC Italy, we present our condolence and esteem to the family.

Scientists of CNR-IBE and WMO-RTC, Italy

8 Responses

  1. C’est avec une profonde et sincère affliction que je viens d’apprendre la perte de notre collègue Météorologue Lazreg BENAICHATA. Permettez-moi en mon nom personnel et au nom de nos collègues météorologistes du monde entier de présenter nos condoléances les plus sincères à sa famille pour cette disparition tragique.
    Toutes mes condoléances.
    à Dieu nous appartenons et à lui nous retournons..
    je présent mes remerciement à nos amis de Scientists of CNR-IBE and WMO-RTC, Italy.

  2. We had as great experience working with Prof. Lazreg Benaichata on some climate activities in Zambia with the Weather Information Solutions (WIS) and Mr. Zilore Mumba, and he exhibited exceptional fortitude, sincerity, commitment and master-fullness of his craft. We therefore are beaten into pains at such a loss, and worse so, such a sudden passing. Our gratitude remain fortified for his contributions to the climate field Zambia, on the African continent and to the larger world.

    Our deepest and sincere-most condolences are hereby shared with his family, friends, communities and networks around the world.

    May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace!

  3. It is indeed very sad! A loss for all Africa. Dr Lazreg has contributed to ACMAD’s programmes and he coodinated a famous project called AEWACS/VigiRisC at the African Center of Meteorlogical Applications for Development -ACMAD.
    He contributed to many other programme such as the seasonal forcasting processes in Africa. He was a good actor in linking reasearch and applications for Development with recent actions in WASCAL programme and other regional initiatives.
    Hard working, team leader and very sociable, Dr Lazreg you remain in our momory. I wouldlike to join family , colleagues and friends to share this sadness and hrad moment. We pray Almighty Allah to accept him in his paradise. May his soul rest in peace.Amine!

  4. I had enriched learning from the Professor Lazreg Benaichata on R statistics in climate including Python. He was accommodating teacher in teaching skills, during an interaction with him, I learnt a lot from him and able to build on and apply from his noble guidance. This is a great loss to knowledge in climate and weather. He has gone but his knowledge and hard work has remained with many institutions, learners and professionals. MHSRP.

  5. Sincères condoléances à sa famille de notre collègue Professeur Lazreg Benaichatade et aux proches. Puisse le tout-puissant l’accueillir en son vaste paradis

  6. Mes très sincères condoléances à la famille de Notre cher ami et collègue. Il était très souriant, aimable et travailleur… Allah yarahmou ! Qu’il repose en paix et que sa famille puisse surmonter cette douleur. Professeur Yamna Djellouli

  7. Dear Brother Lazreg
    the news of your departure are devastating, you left the boat too early , we were planning a number of actions together just a few weeks ago.. The only comfort is , as we do believe that, you have been called by God for another more exiting mission, and we will continu to support you with our prayers until we join you one day.
    your brother Mohammed Sadeck

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