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U.S. Drought Monitor

The U.S. Drought Monitor is a map released every Thursday, showing parts of the U.S. that are in drought. The map uses five classifications: abnormally dry (D0), showing areas that may be going into or are coming out of drought, and four levels of drought: moderate (D1), severe (D2), extreme (D3) and exceptional (D4). The […]

Drought Severity Evaluation Tool

The Drought Severity Evaluation Tool is one of the Climate Engine Research App leverages the power of cloud computing to enable users to analyze decades of satellite and climate data. Already, this powerful tool is being used by the US Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, and NOAA, among others. The Climate Engine […]


Climate change is causing new patterns in climatic conditions over the world, which are already affecting many aspects of our society. Though being a global phenomenon, nowhere else in the world is climate change expected to have ecological, economic and social consequences as dramatic as those in the Mediterranean basin. Higher than-average projected changes in […]

Slapis EWS

SLAPIS, Local Early Warning System for Floods of the Sirba, is an integrated system that aims to promote decision-making and behavioural changes from reactive to proactive attitudes to adapt to climate change and reduce hydrological risk in the Municipalities of the Sirba. The philosophy of SLAPIS is to demonstrate that institutions and communities can set […]

Drought Observatory

Climate Services for the Mediterranean Basin Operational Services for decision makers, water management authorities and stakeholders. WEBGIS, Monthly Bulletin – at present only available in Italian for Tuscany Region, and other services. The complexity of the drought phenomenon requires the availability of a system as comprehensive and integrated as possible to respond to the different […]

C3S Soil Erosion Italy

Soil erosion comes with a range of negative consequences, from reducing agricultural yield to damaging buildings. Using data and tools from the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS), the Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) has developed a dataset and two applications for investigating rainfall-induced soil erosion in Italy. CMCC produced the ‘Soil erosion indicators for Italy from 1981 […]

Project UKKO

SEASONAL WIND PREDICTIONS FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR Developed as part of the RESILIENCE PROTOTYPE in the EUPORIAS project Credits Project Ukko is a Future Everything and BSC project for EUPORIAS. Data visualisation by Moritz Stefaner. Based on ECMWF seasonal predictions by RESILIENCE. EUPORIAS is funded by EC FP7 (GA 308291)

Klimafolgen Online

The educational web portal is a tailor-made climate service to make climate and climate impact data and scientific knowledge of climate impacts and adaptation applicable for secondary and vocational schools in Germany. Climate science fundamentals and worksheets combining the interactive experience exploring climate data in the web portal with other sources have been designed for the […]