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FAIR data management. RDA National Event in Italy

RDA, the Research Data Alliance, in collaboration with the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Trento and Parma and supported by CNR, AISA and OpenAIRE is organizing a two-day workshop about sharing, reuse, and reproducibility of research data on some selected scientific fields – and related research infrastructures – of strategic relevance in Europe.

Workshop overview and objectives

According to the Guiding Principles for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable Data – so-called FAIR principles – launched by the Data FAIRport initiative and recently adopted by the European Commission Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 the aim of this workshop is to bring new lymph to the political, legal, technical and technological debate around re-use and reproducibility of research data in Italy.

Starting from requirements and concrete experiences of research infrastructures and relying on the results and ongoing activities of specific RDA Working and Interest Groups, this workshop will call to action the coordinators of research infrastructures, individual researchers, funding agencies, research institutions, data scientists, data librarians/curators and computing scientists to identify which of the FAIR guidelines can be effectively supported by the current technology, which national policies are supporting their implementation and what are the challenges still open towards a concrete implementation of the FAIR principles in Italy.


RDA relevance & expected outcomes

Among the solutions for implementing FAIR data management, a key role will be covered by those developed by RDA Working and Interest Groups dealing with data reproducibility, metadata standards, data foundation and implementation of DMP in real scientific scenarios. In particular, the activities performed and the results achieved so far by the following WGs and IGs will be presented, thanks to the active participation of their representatives:

  • Data Citation WG
  • Metadata Standards Directory WG
  • Education and Training on handling of research data IG
  • Reproducibility IG
  • Structural Biology IG
  • Libraries for Research Data IG

The expected outcomes of this event will be a primarily increased awareness among researchers and stakeholders of major Italian Universities on the different aspects that characterise FAIR data management and on the solutions developed in the RDA and in other national and international contexts that can be exploited, either by every single institution or through a coordinated effort, to implement it.


Workshop structure

Two day-workshop with national (Italian) and international speakers. Ample space will be dedicated to panel discussions and active participation from the audience. The workshop will be held in English and Italian

Target Audience

The workshop is dedicated to an Italian audience of researchers, heads of research infrastructures and of computing infrastructures, pro-rectors for research, university research and open access departments, repository managers, and librarians experts in metadata and data curation who are not yet part of RDA community. Italian policymakers will also be a target of this workshop.

Scientific Coordination

  • Donatella Castelli, CNR-ISTI
  • Paola Gargiulo, CINECA

Organizational Committee

  • Catherine Bosio, CNR-ISTI
  • Sara Pittonet, Trust-IT Services

Scientific Committee

  • Leonardo Candela, CNR-ISTI
  • Roberto Caso, Università di Trento
  • Paola Galimberti, Università di Milano
  • Elena Giglia, Università di Torino
  • Silvana Mangiaracina, CNR –  Biblioteca Area di Bologna
  • Alessandro Sarretta, CNR – ISMAR
  • Anna Maria Tammaro, Università di Parma

Read more on the event website

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