RISD20 Conference

Photo by Eric Borda, Flickr

International Conference on Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics – RISD20. 20th of March in Turin (Italy)

ANADIA 2.0: Campaign 2019

The National Directorate of Meteorology (DMN) of Niger, as part of the ANADIA 2.0 project, organized the Launching Workshop of the 2019 Agrometeorological Campaign for the pilot Municipalities of the Tillabery and Dosso Regions. At the workshop took part the mayor, the agent of Agriculture and that of the breeding, as well as the representative […]

PACC Final Conference

After the four training courses, a networking conference will be organized in Rome, Italy, on the 4th and the 5th of February 2019. The conference will gather those in high-levels of responsibility in the Ministries to which NMHS belong and coordinate with, as well as the Directors of Meteorological Services of the Region. The conference […]

PACC 2018: Climate Change Impacts

Photo by Jonathan Körner on Unsplash

The “International Training Course on Climate Change impacts: assessment and communication” is the third event of the Training Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture (PACC/RRC), financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and realized by WMO in collaboration the Regional Training Center in Italy IBIMET-CNR and the AGRHYMET […]

PACC 2017 Training Course

20 NOVEMBER – 1 DECEMBER 2017 | FLORENCE – ITALY The International Training Course on “Climate Services for Disaster Prevention” is one of the steps of the PACC-RRC Training Programme on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture. The Project Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture is a training programme […]

Camminate, pedalate ed eventi nel segno di una città più vivibile

Anche quest’anno Livorno sarà protagonista della Settimana Europea della Mobilità Sostenibile che coinvolgerà l’intera città dal 16 al 22 settembre. L’attesa iniziativa ambientale, giunta alla quarta edizione, è promossa dalla Commissione Europea e coordinata in Italia dal Ministero dell’Ambiente con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare i cittadini su scelte di mobilità responsabili e rispettose dell’ambiente. Il Comune […]