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RISD20 Conference

International Conference on Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics – RISD20. 20th of March in Turin (Italy)
Photo by Eric Borda, Flickr
Eric Borda, Castello del Valentino - Torino, on Flickr


In the framework of ANADIA2 project, the International Conference on Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics – RISD20 will be organized on Friday, 20th of March 2020 at Valentino Castle in Turin (Italy).
Hosted by DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning in collaboration with CNR IBE – Institute of BioEconomy of the National Research Council, the International Conference aims of investigating information on the hydro-climatic risks (production, organization, accessibility) and the use of that information in agricultural practices and in local planning.

RISD Conference is focused on rural Tropics, involving the local administrative level (individual municipalities and individual rural communities) and local scale (associations of smallholder farmers, groupings of specialist producers, cooperatives).
We seek studies of individual cases (best practices), critical reviews, and theoretical papers originating from different academic fields dealing with a variety of topics, including:

  • Open data on disasters
  • Non-stationary approaches to floods
  • Local climate scenarios
  • Early warning systems
  • Multi-hazard risk assessments for local planning
  • Hydro-climatic risk prevention, development plans, and aid at a local scale
  • Capacity building for co-development of weather and climate services
  • Agrometeorological services for small farmers
  • Crop monitoring for food security
  • Climate change opportunities in agriculture.


MONDAY, March 9, 2020. Speaker registration deadline
MONDAY, March 16, 2020. Attendee registration deadline

More detailed information at https://www.risd20.com

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