EMS 2022: Effective Communication of Agrometeorological Services

EMS 2019 Background

The European Meteorological Society Annual Conference (EMS2022) is taking place from 4 to 9 September 2022 at the Poppelsdorf Campus of the University of Bonn. As a side event, the workshop on Effective communication of agrometeorological services is scheduled as a full-day event for today Wednesday 7 September 2022. The aim of this workshop is […]

Anadia 2.0: Final Event

A Niamey les 14 et 15 juillet 2021 se tiendra la conférence finale du projet Anadia 2.0. L’événement sera l’occasion de faire le point sur les résultats du projet et d’illustrer les impacts innovants et positifs que Anadia a eu dans l’adaptation au changement climatique, la prévention des catastrophes et le développement d’une agriculture durable […]

Anadia: RISD 2021 On line Conference

Three webinars focusing on Rural Tropics and investigating information production, accessibility and use on hydro-climatic risks at local scale. Read More

MED-GOLD Living Lab 27 May – 24 June 2021

Turning climate information into value for traditional Mediterranean agri-food systems       MED-GOLD project has the aim to translate state-of-the-art climate data and climate predictions — at the seasonal timescale and beyond — into easily accessible, valuable information for a wide range of end-users in the agriculture sector. In the project framework, an online […]

Niger: atelier assistance agro-météo campagne 2020 et lancement campagne 2021

Le 7 et le 8 avril 2021 se tient à Niamey l’Atelier de évaluation de l’assistance agro-météorologique aux producteurs ruraux de la campagne 2020 et lancement de la campagne 2021 organisé dans le cadre du projet ANADIA2.0 L’atelier a l’objectif de faire le point avec les parties prenantes sur la campagne 2020, en tirer les […]

RISD20 Conference

Photo by Eric Borda, Flickr

International Conference on Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics – RISD20. 20th of March in Turin (Italy)

PACC Final Conference

After the four training courses, a networking conference will be organized in Rome, Italy, on the 4th and the 5th of February 2019. The conference will gather those in high-levels of responsibility in the Ministries to which NMHS belong and coordinate with, as well as the Directors of Meteorological Services of the Region. The conference […]

GARR 2017 – I dati nella ricerca

La Conferenza GARR è l’occasione di incontro e confronto tra gli utenti, gli operatori e i gestori della rete nazionale dell’istruzione e della ricerca, per condividere esperienze e riflessioni sull’utilizzo della rete come strumento di ricerca, formazione e cultura, attraverso discipline e contesti diversi. Tema centrale dell’edizione 2017 sono i dati nella ricerca: un bene […]