Italy and Portugal discuss about drought

On 28 September 2022 took place the webinar “Drought: Climate Change and Water Management” organised by the Italian Embassy in Lisbon in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Portugal and the Italian Trade Agency – ICE, in the framework of the Festival Sviluppo Sostenibile 2022 (2022 Festival for Sustainable Development). The meeting focused […]

Flooding Marche 2022: the impact of an extreme event

The extreme event that struck the Marche region on the 15–16 September 2022, once again re-proposes the themes of vulnerability, prevention, mitigation and adaptation. We know that specific actions to be put in place could reduce the impact of increasingly frequent phenomena. Then what is politics doing? What is science doing? Because to find solutions […]

Drought Observatory: August Bulletin

On 7 September, the CNR-IBE Drought Observatory published the monthly bulletin illustrating the Italian drought situation in August. The month just ended is one characterised by instability and thunderstorms. But, this year the events were decidedly more intense, also due to an above-average temperature, with values well exceeding 30°C for several months. The thunderstorm phenomena […]

EMS 2022: Effective Communication of Agrometeorological Services

EMS 2019 Background

The European Meteorological Society Annual Conference (EMS2022) is taking place from 4 to 9 September 2022 at the Poppelsdorf Campus of the University of Bonn. As a side event, the workshop on Effective communication of agrometeorological services is scheduled as a full-day event for today Wednesday 7 September 2022. The aim of this workshop is […]

School in Agricultural Meteorology 2022

Photo by Gaetano Cassati on Unsplash

The Italian Association of Agrometeorology, AIAM, in collaboration with CNR-IBE – as WMO Regional Training Center in Italy, WMO-RTC – and with the technical support of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, is proud to announce the Second Edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology: Agricultural Meteorology for a Sustainable Water Management […]

Oltremare talks about Anadia and Slapis

Oltremare, the magazine of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, publishes a short article on Anadia project and Slapis by Vieri Tarchiani, Lawan Gaptia Katiellou, Maurizio Bacci e Maurizio Tiepolo “Co-developing climate services in Niger for agriculture and hydro-meteorological risk reduction” A multidisciplinary team from Italy and Niger has been working for ten years on […]

ANADIA2, La région de Dosso, Niger – Le Livre

Le livre Anadia 2.0, intitulé RISQUE ET ADAPTATION CLIMATIQUE DANS LA RÉGION DE DOSSO AU NIGER, rédigé par les auteurs Gaptia Lawan Katiellou, Vieri Tarchiani, Maurizio Tiepolo vient de sortir des presses. Avec l’avant-propos du Dr Kamayé Maâzou et la Préface de Domenico Bruzzone. Basée sur les études réalisées dans le cadre du projet Anadia […]

SERV_FORFIRE: A bias adjusted SPI seasonal forecast

SERV_FORFIRE Project focuses on Integrated Services and approaches for assessing effects of Climate Change and extreme events for fire and post-fire risk prevention. In the last period, the project developed an operational chain to forecast, at a seasonal time scale, a bias adjusted Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) to support drought and fire risks management. The applied technique […]

Sirba: Saison 2021 // Updates

Dans ce post, nous publierons des mises à jour et des informations sur la situation de la rivière Sirba : nouvelles, photos, articles, podcasts envoyés directement par les observateurs SLAPIS au Niger.

Anadia 2.0: Final Conference – Conférence Finale, Niamey

A Niamey les 14 et 15 juillet 2021 se tiendra la conférence finale du projet Anadia 2.0. L’événement sera l’occasion de faire le point sur les résultats du projet et d’illustrer les impacts innovants et positifs que Anadia a eu dans l’adaptation au changement climatique, la prévention des catastrophes et le développement d’une agriculture durable pour accroître la sécurité alimentaire.